Soul Seed Process Groups

Somatic Residential Retreats

Every human being on earth has one thing
in common: we’ve all been born.

As human beings, we embark on what some call the “embodiment journey,” a mysterious and mystical process of coming into and fully inhabiting our bodies. This journey begins long before our first breath and accompanies us until our last. How and where this journey begins profoundly influences how we thrive or merely survive in our daily lives.

Uncovering Key Aspects of Your Embodiment Journey

Join us in the tranquility of nature to DISCOVER how our earliest experiences shape our expectations and core beliefs about relationships with ourselves, others, and the world. Gentle empowering processes rewire self-diminishing patterns, including prominent survival strategies that hold us back in our present lives.

Our original templates for responding to stress, pressure, transitions, and pain are crystallized during our prenatal and birth experiences.
These neurologic operating systems become fixed in our psyche and physiology, causing us to respond to present-day challenges with outdated survival patterns. The persistence of these patterns often resists most forms of therapy. To liberate ourselves effectively from these unconscious survival strategies, we must understand how they were initially established.
— Kathryn Terry

Join us for this powerful opportunity to deepen your connection with the essence of your soul-seed self.

Upcoming Residential Retreats


March, 2025


June, 2025

Submit your name to have a private consult and receive more details about each retreat location.


September, 2025


What It’s All About

Explore how our own birth and pre-natal life shapes us in the present. Through the healing power of movement, sound, somatic processing and well-being practices, we open to liberated ways to live, love, and work. 

Flower of Life Soul Seed Process Groups

Re-pattern your birth, healing the emotional and psychological wounds from your earliest experiences in life. 

Empower yourself to fulfill your dreams.

Escape from the world and immerse yourself in Nature.

Your birth experience holds immense significance, shaping not only your physical well-being but also deeply influencing your emotional and psychological development.

What do Soul Seed Process Groups Address?

Read below to learn how one weekend can change your life forever.

  • If your birth involved complications, medical interventions, or traumatic events, it can leave emotional scars that persist into adulthood. Traumatic births can lead to conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or anxiety disorders, impacting your ability to trust others, form healthy relationships, or feel safe in the world.

  • The quality of the bonding and attachment between you and your caregivers in the early postnatal period can influence your ability to form secure attachments later in life. If your birth experience disrupted this process or led to feelings of abandonment or neglect, it may contribute to difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships.

  • The stress and hormonal changes experienced during birth can shape your brain's neurological patterns, influencing how you respond to stress, handle emotions, and regulate behavior. If your birth involved prolonged stress or trauma, it can lead to dysregulation of the stress response system, predisposing you to anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues.

  • Your early experiences, including your birth, contribute to the formation of core beliefs about yourself, others, and the world. If your birth experience was characterized by feelings of helplessness, fear, or inadequacy, it may contribute to negative core beliefs such as "I am not worthy" or "I am not safe," which can undermine your self-esteem and confidence throughout life.

  • Birth experiences can also impact your reproductive health and experiences in subsequent pregnancies. Traumatic births may lead to fear or anxiety surrounding childbirth, making it difficult to approach future pregnancies with confidence and trust in your body's ability to give birth.

  • Difficulties stemming from your birth experience can manifest in various aspects of your interpersonal relationships, including communication, intimacy, and conflict resolution. Unresolved birth trauma or attachment issues may lead to challenges in expressing emotions, setting boundaries, or trusting others, affecting your ability to form fulfilling connections.

Ready to unlock the healing power of

your earliest life experiences?

The Process Unfolds in Stages

In a residential retreat setting, we engage in a variety of exercises, discussions, and reflective activities designed to help you explore your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors that were shaped by your birth story. Through guided introspection and sharing with others, you'll have the opportunity to uncover hidden patterns, discover your strengths and weaknesses, and gain clarity about your values and aspirations.

Facilitated by Kathryn Terry, the group provides a safe space for authentic expression and vulnerability. You'll have the chance to connect with like-minded individuals who are also on a journey of self-discovery, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.

Whether you're facing life transitions, seeking greater self-awareness, or simply curious about exploring your inner landscape, "Soul Seed" process groups offer a transformative experience that can lead to personal insight, growth, and empowerment.

The Embodiment Journey

Embodiment is a lifelong process of inhabiting this vessel we call our body. There are many definitions of embodiment but here we are looking at the process of “becoming.” Densification occurs, we become matter, atoms collide in a coherent field and all of a sudden “we” exist. This is the beginning of “our” journey and we continue embodying through our entire life, every day we have the opportunity to live in a more coherent radiant field of embodied existence.

Birth is a lifelong event and we have the power to rewrite our story, reimagine connection and compassion, and create coherent narratives that nurture our beings in the very moment. Remembering the journey of your soul coming into form is a powerful therapeutic tool which enables you to live a more embodied life moment to moment. During these workshops, you develop a profound trust in the wisdom of the higher self, discover the lasting impact of unconscious memories from the birth.

Join us as we embark on this empowering journey together. Take the first step towards knowing yourself on a deeper level.