Flower of Life

We are stars wrapped in skin. The light you are seeking has always been within.
~ Rumi

Our Beginnings

It started in Colorado, near the mountains. Two women who studied biodynamics and the new frontier of consciousness were drawn together to birth a model of care culminating from their combined wisdom and life experiences. One a Pre and Perinatal Educator, bodyworker and former midwife, the other a mother and biodynamic craniosacral therapist—they both share a dream to change how we live within the world, how we rear children, how we emerge into Being. They both practice biodynamics, an emerging science and medicine that involves perceiving and augmenting embryological forces to support health and well-being throughout the life span.

Our Methods

Welcome to the Flower of Life Foundation, where we offer somatic practices and therapies that deepen awareness of physical sensations, emotions, and experiences in the body, fostering greater connections between mind, body, and spirit. Our unique approach represents the new frontier of medical and scientific advancements in the field of quantum healthcare. We guide individuals along their embodiment journey, integrating the trinity of Consciousness: Present-Moment Awareness, Biophilia, and Salutogenesis.

Quantum Awareness

Invites individuals to cultivating a deeper connection to the present moment by harnessing the realization of the interconnectedness and potentiality of all things past, present and future.


Celebrates the inherent connection between humans and nature and uses mindfulness practices to master the Laws of Nature to cultivate health through holistic means.


Highlights individuals’ coping mechanisms to preserve health despite stressful conditions, focusing on prevention by promoting and maintaining physical and mental well-being.

We facilitate self-exploration and re-patterning of early life experiences, empowering individuals to access greater resilience and vitality throughout their lives. Join us on your journey to deepening your connection to your body, mind, and spirit.

Mission Statement

We believe life is a miracle and the physiological design of humans is an expression of a greater Intelligence that is in resonance with all creation. Conception and birth are sacred and contained in the vessel of a woman’s body and nurtured by the mandala of relationships that surround the mother. Every soul embodying in this world deserves compassion, love, and a conscious welcome. At the Flower of Life Foundation we believe in the power innate within birthing mothers, universal consciousness, and the power of quantum field dynamics.

Meet the Founders

Christianna Deichmann

Embarking on my life's journey has led me to the captivating realm of biodynamics and how we are connected to everything in the known universe—a groundbreaking field of psychology and spiritual science that has become my guiding light. It shapes every aspect of my life, influencing how I nurture presence within my family, how I create change, how I manifest my dreams, and how I extend a helping hand to others.

In my quest to enact change, I dive deep into the unseen realms of the intelligent energetic field that envelops us all. This pursuit isn't just a profession for me; it's a calling that resonates to the core of my being. I'm driven by a profound curiosity about consciousness and its infinite possibilities. Exploring the inner workings of cognition, imagination, and volition fuels my passion as I strive to unravel the mysteries of what motivates us and how our inner landscapes intertwine with the boundless ocean of information that surrounds us.

This profound fascination with consciousness fuels my very soul. When my soul is lit, I love to take long walks along the curvature of the land with my dog Casey. I love to embrace my children and read together on lazy Sunday afternoons. I am a foodie at heart with my past career as a sommelier. I love to smell the fragrance of flowers in spring and in the evening when night pollinators infuse the air with their nectars. I love watching hummingbirds and hold hands with my husband. My favorite place on Earth is along the shores of Lake Michigan, even though I am a traveler to many lands. I love making heartful connections with people who want more for this world. My heart lights up in my work, which I do not even consider work, it’s my passion: to be with someone along their path in life.

My journey has been marked by profound challenges, including encounters with trauma that have shaped my own embodiment story. Yet, it's the understanding of my own past that has empowered me to overcome adversity and live a life full of joy amongst the challenges and conquests I face.

Continuously peeling back the layers of my being, I draw upon a wealth of trainings and wisdom. Equipped with tools such as Pre and Perinatal Psychology, Spiritual Anatomy, Hermetics, Craniosacral Therapy, Inner Child mapping, and an array of somatic healing arts, I am fortunate to extend support and guidance to others on their own transformative journeys. I stand upon the shoulders of so many influencers who I harbor deep gratitude for, like each crashing wave along the seashore they have each imparted unique shaping of my inner being. I love them all and cherish the ideal of “Pass it Forward.”

Celestial Orientation:

Aries Sun

Leo Moon

Gemini Rising

Projector 2/5

6 Metal Child Star; 1 Water Adult Star

Celestial Orientation:

Virgo Sun

Sagittarius Moon

Taurus Rising

Projector 5/2

Kathryn Terry

Our embodiment journey has long held fascination inclining me towards a life long inquiry into how our earliest experiences shape us.

My personal journey began with a life threatening prenatal condition and a painful hospital birth landing me in a 2 week silent retreat in an incubator.

It was a fierce initiation.

It is no wonder that years later I was drawn to training as a traditional midwife and to attend the Rolf Institute for Structural Integration.

I went on to receive a double certification in Rolfing and Rolfing Movement and together with my midwifery training created a practice focused on supporting pregnant women to feel aligned not only within their physical structure but within a deeper sense of their primary coherence. A coherence that allows for a more empowering, embodied approach to birth...and life. My passion to advocate for the rights of birthing mothers led me to discover the field of Pre and Perinatal psychology.

20 years ago I co-created the Institute for Pre & Perinatal Education with my former partner Karlton Terry. We traveled world-wide teaching workshops and training practitioners on topics around conception, prenatal life and the lasting consequences of birth to thousands of people. It was an incredible laboratory full of compassion and empathy for all the sacred thresholds we transition through.

Supporting others to find their way to places of great vulnerability, transformation and insight, I continue to midwife children and adults.

I have devoted my life to advocate for the rights of those who do not have a voice: the unborn, newborns, animals, flora and fauna.

At this particular juncture in my life I feel passionate about sharing the wisdom gleaned from 35 years of working in the fields of bodywork and baby work. I believe we all deserve to live a coherent, empowered and embodied life from the first moments we draw air and it is my deepest wish that we can assure newborns and all those without a voice, that they will be treated with deep reverence, a reverence that belongs to all life here on earth.

Want to understand more about our methodologies?

More information on validated concepts for personal evolution is below.

By recognizing the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit at the quantum level, we can gain insight into the holistic nature of existence and the profound interplay between consciousness and the physical world. This perspective underscores the importance of holistic approaches to health, well-being, and personal growth that honor the interconnectedness of all aspects of our being.

The Role of Intelligent Energy

In our work, we invoke the intelligent energy known as Shakti, Kundalini, Force, or Innate Wisdom from the Soul to facilitate healing. Intelligent energy is a vital, creative force that is often described as the primordial cosmic energy. This energy is invoked to assist in the healing process, working directly with the cells of the body to create change and transformation at the deepest levels.

Speaking to the Cells of the Body

Through our words and energy, we engage in a dialogue with the cells of your body, fostering an environment where healing can occur. This process involves speaking directly to the cellular memory, inviting it to release old patterns and embrace new, healthier ways of being. This communication is both subtle and profound, influencing your body’s innate intelligence and capacity for self-healing.

Mystical and Energetic Work

Our approach incorporates mystical and energetic work to facilitate profound transformation. This involves working with the body’s energy systems to clear blockages and support the flow of life force energy. Techniques such as energy healing, breathwork, and visualization are employed to activate and harmonize your energetic body, creating a foundation for deep healing and transformation.

Rewiring Neurologic Operating Systems

By becoming conscious of the circumstances of your prenatal life and birth, and understanding how you responded to these profoundly imprinting times, you can make conscious choices you never knew were possible. This awareness allows for the rewiring of your neurologic operating systems, shifting from survival-based responses to patterns that support thriving and well-being.

Empowerment and Resourcing

This process is empowering and resourcing, offering you tools and insights to navigate your life with greater ease and resilience. By uncovering and transforming the key aspects of your embodiment journey, you can liberate yourself from the unconscious patterns that have been holding you back, opening the door to a life of greater freedom and fulfillment. Understanding the profound impact of our prenatal and birth experiences on our present-day lives is crucial for true healing and transformation. By integrating somatic processing, mystical and energetic work, and the invocation of Shakti, we create a holistic approach that speaks directly to the cells of your body, fostering deep and lasting change. Through this journey of embodiment, you can uncover and rewire the patterns that have shaped your life, empowering you to thrive in ways you never imagined possible.

The Flower of Life Connection

Once, all life in the universe knew the Flower of Life as the creation pattern -- the geometrical design leading us into and out of physical existence. Then from a very high state of consciousness, we fell into darkness and forgot who we were. For thousands of years, the secret was held in ancient artifacts and carvings around the world and encoded in the cells of all life.

Now we are rising up from that sleep, shaking old, stale beliefs from our minds and glimpsing the golden light of this new dawn streaming through the windows of perception.

Human Design is Intimately Entertwined with Nature

Michio Kaku once said, “The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe.” But what if I say that it isn’t only a complex object in our universe but a replica of the universe itself at a smaller scale? No, I am not kidding. In a paper named “The quantitative comparison between the neuronal network and the cosmic web,” researchers found scientific evidence that stated that the universe is just like a giant human brain. The Hermetic Principle, “As Above, So Below” is a key to unlocking the secrets of how our body-mind-spirit works. Knowing the sacred geometry of our design is key to knowing who we are, what we are, where we came from, where we are going, and what our purpose is.

Rewire Your Nervous System

Peter Levine on Neuroplasticity and Trauma Healing" by SHIFT provides a profound insight into the workings of mind-body therapy. Through an interview with Peter Levine, viewers gain an understanding of how trauma impacts both the brain and body. Levine delves into the concept of neuroplasticity, explaining how the brain can rewire itself, particularly in response to trauma. By exploring techniques like Somatic Experiencing, the video illustrates how individuals can actively engage in their healing journey, rewiring neural pathways to promote recovery and well-being. Through this discussion, viewers witness firsthand the transformative power of mind-body therapies in facilitating healing and restoring balance.

The Mind-Body Connection

All of our approaches aim to bring unconscious material into conscious awareness, facilitating insight, healing, and integration of the spirit-mind-body connection to the interconnectedness of human life and nature.