Align with our evolving consciousness surrounding birth and the journey of embodiment.

Embodiment refers to the process of fully integrating the soul body or higher consciousness into the physical body and lived experience
— A Seeker

At the Flower of Life Foundation, we offer holistic education and therapeutic services designed to support individuals, families, and practitioners.

We integrate the wisdome teachings embedded within the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life, which highlights the interconnectedness of all things in nature. By attuning to the quantum nature of the universe, we help you reconnect with your true self, restoring harmony and balance between the rhythms and cycles of the natural world and yourself.

Our approach helps clear away layers of misperception, guiding you back to your authentic, whole self. Whether you seek birth support, personal healing, or practitioner training, we empower you to release old patterns, experience emotional freedom, and build deeper, more empathic connections with yourself, your baby, and others.

Unlock the Power of Your Birth Story

Heal, Transform and Embrace a Life of Deep Connection and Purpose

Our Foundation consists of 3 Pillars


Seekers of Personal Evolution


A transformative way to view your clients



Key Areas Where Families & Practitioners Seek Support

Families: Real Inquiries for Support

  • Emotional Healing & Trauma Recovery:

    “I feel like I failed giving birth, and now my baby cries so much, and I am utterly exhausted.”

    “When I was induced, I felt so out of control and I lots all of my bearings. I was terrified.”

  • Parenting and Family Dynamics

    “My children fight so much and my oldest injures my youngest and I feel so much rage inside. I feel like I am a horrible parent sometimes and I don’t know what comes over me. I just don’t know how to handle my child.”

  • Birth Support and Postpartum Wellness

    “I didn’t know breastfeeding was going to be so hard. I have so many people giving me advice and my head is just going to explode. I feel like giving up.”

    “My husband and I are so disconnected, I feel like I am so far away. My whole grounding is gone, I am not the same person I was. I am so lonely and lost.”

    “I feel so cold in my body at times and I have this inexplicable back pains and neck pains, and sweats. Could something have gone wrong with my epidural?”

  • Anxiety and Stress Relief

    “My child cannot sit still and he has so many behavioral issues at school. We have tried all the prescriptions and I feel so detached like I am losing him.”

    “I don’t understand why my child hits me and rages so much. The pediatrician says everything is fine, but I don’t feel like everything is fine. What can I do?”

  • Burnout and Personal Healing

    “Dedicated caretakers/teachers reach a breaking point with burnout. “I take care of children all day and the flood of emotions and behavioral challenges and language barriers I face are crippling me. I am so exhausted. I am not my best self when I show up for the children.”

    We have endless examples of areas people seek out support including:

  • Difficulties Bonding with Baby, Breastfeeding Complications, Colic, Unrest, Digestive Issues.

  • Insights developmental delays, chronic sickness, and inexplicable illness.

  • Relationship Struggles between siblings or within the family constellation.

  • We help those seeking out how to navigate the many options for childbirth, guiding you toward a model that aligns with you and your partner’s vision.

Quantum healing is a dynamic interplay between seen and unseen forces that create the foundation for healing. By acknowledging we are all part of a greater web of life, we are able to work within the quantum field—where change happens at the level of energy—to restore balance, clear blocks, and bring about profound transformation.
— Flower of Life Wisdom

Practitioner: Inquiries for Support

  • Navigating Difficult Client Cases

    A seasoned therapist, “I have seen this client for so many sessions and we just aren’t getting anywhere. She’s still stuck in the same patterns.”

  • Overcoming Burnout and Reconnecting to Purpose

    A practitioner in the healing arts, had been running his own practice for several years when he began to experience burnout. The emotional toll of holding space for others was leaving him physically and mentally drained, so he succumbed to addictions. “My family life at home is so difficult, and I have a practice to run! I just found myself drinking more wine and eating out of control, staying up late at night watching TV. I just want to gain my composure again.”

  • Transference and Countertransference in Client Relationships

    A life coach, started noticing that one of her clients was consistently pushing her emotional buttons. The client’s anger and frustration in sessions seemed to evoke deep feelings of discomfort in her, leading to tension and confusion. “I feel as if there is something inside of me that I cannot see or put my finger on, but it’s somehow related to my client. Please help.”

  • Continual Self-Development for Practitioner Growth

    A holistic practitioner, understood that personal growth and self-awareness were key to becoming a more effective healer. After years of working with clients, she noticed that she had hit a plateau—both in her personal development and in the healing outcomes of her clients. She sought mentorship with us to deepen her own practice, expand her spiritual embodiment, and learn more about the implicit memories people encounter along their embodiment journey.

    “I felt compelled to taking your training, it drew me in somehow, and now I know why. Before the workshop, I felt constricted somehow. Now I am fully embodied with a deeper awareness I never knew was possible. Looking at your own birth story must be one of the most profound things a person can do for themselves. Finally, I am ready to do what I cam here to do, and I know I won’t stop here. I will just continue to deepen in knowing who I am, why I came here to this body and to this life. I am eternally grateful for the Flower of Life Soul Seed Process.”

8 Most Common Transformational Outcomes Client’s & Families Experience

Emotional Healing and Release: Clients often experience deep emotional healing, releasing long-held grief, fear, or trauma stored in their body and mind, bringing a sense of freedom and relief.

Restored Connection to Self and Inner Child: Clients often reconnect with their inner child by addressing emotional wounds, fostering greater self-love, playfulness, and self-compassion.

Improved Relationships: Individuals often report healthier, more authentic connections with loved ones by healing personal and family dynamics, breaking generational patterns, and fostering better communication.

Mental Clarity and Peace: Many experience clearer, more peaceful minds, reducing anxiety, overthinking, and mental fatigue, making daily life more manageable.

Enhanced Physical Health: Participants often see improvements in chronic pain, immune issues, and hormonal imbalances, especially when traditional medicine has fallen short.

Spiritual Awakening or Growth: The therapeutic process can enhance spiritual awareness, helping clients connect more deeply with the universe, their higher self, or their beliefs.

Clearer Life Purpose: Seekers often gain clarity on their path, feeling more connected to their purpose and empowered to make aligned decisions.

Healing Across Generations: Families often experience transformational shifts that positively impact not only the individual client but also children, parents, and ancestors.

4 Most Common Transformational Outcomes Practitioner’s Experience

Accurate Attunement to Prenatal Life Imprints: By learning and healing from your own birth narrative, and witnessing others, you establish healthier boundaries within yourself and established more expanded client reach improving ability to manage transference and counter-transference issues.

Personal & Professional Growth: Experience profound personal growth by cultivating a higher level of coherence within themselves. By resonating more deeply in their blueprint state of being, therapists align with their true essence, establishing stronger, healthier boundaries.

Improved Client Outcomes: By enhancing their internal states of coherence, maintaining their own energy, and avoiding the pitfalls of overextending or merging with their clients' struggles, they effectively help clients break through barriers to achieve progress.

Community and Peer Support: Practitioners find strength in a supportive network of professionals who understand the language of birth psychology that fosters collaboration and shared healing experiences.

Meet Christianna & Kathryn

We have over 35 years of experience in bodywork, midwifery, pre- and perinatal education, cranio-sacral therapy, quantum biology, and personal alchemy, we have dedicated our life to exploring the profound connections between our earliest experiences and our lifelong well-being. We have traveled the world teaching workshops and training practitioners. Through our work, we guide individuals on a journey toward healing, coherence and empowerment, rooted in the belief that every life deserves to be treated with deep reverence.

Our Services





The Power of Somatic Process Workshops

Email to Inquire about the types of workshops we do for business groups.

The Power of Somatic Process Workshops for Business

Somatic process workshops are transformative tools for building strong, cohesive teams that thrive on trust and collaborative spirit. By focusing on the body-mind connection, these workshops cultivate an environment where team members feel safe to express themselves fully. This approach encourages open communication, enhances interpersonal relationships, and fosters a sense of belonging.

As participants engage in somatic practices, they learn to tap into their innate talents and strengths, empowering each individual to contribute uniquely to the team. This not only nurtures personal growth but also cultivates a collective synergy that enhances overall performance.

By investing in somatic process workshops, businesses create a foundation of trust and cooperation, unlocking the full potential of their teams and driving optimal performance. In this supportive environment, innovation flourishes, and challenges are met with resilience, ultimately leading to a more successful and harmonious workplace.

Transformational Stories

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