Retreat Cancellation Policy
If it is necessary to cancel a registration for a retreat, please provide as much advance notice as possible so the Flower of Life Foundation can offer the available space to another participant. Registration fees cannot be transferred to another retreat.
If a request for cancellation is received fourteen (14) or more days prior to the start date of a retreat, a refund of the retreat cost minus the 50% deposit fee will be issued.
If a cancellation request is received less than fourteen (14) days prior to the start of a retreat, none of the retreat cost will be refunded.
No refund will be given if a participant leaves early or arrives late. Out of consideration for others, please make a commitment to attend the entire retreat.
*Deposit Fees are non-refundable.
If you have questions or would like further assistance to register for a Flower of Life Foundation retreat, please contact us at (804) 552-0186 or folbirth@gmail.com for more information.