Embodiment Journey Training

Deepening your commitment to birthing a new humanity

Next Training BeginsJanuary 26, 2025

Mentoring and Training

The Embodiment Journey Mentorship is designed to explore the metaphysical and psychosomatic stages of prenatal and perinatal development, outlining the human design of creation, providing tools to heal ruptures and maladaptive energetic force fields imprinted on the human scaffolding. This training intersects esoteric philosophy with pre and perinatal sciences, guiding participants through profound questions of existence: Who am I? What am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? What is my purpose?  

In this unique mentorship we honor that each participant holds unique gifts, much like a seed's potential. Within the group’s alchemical processes we potentize the learning field with wisdom draw from the collective.

By inviting personal experiences, challenges and examples from our professional life into the learning field, we create a quantum space to rewrite our biographies and see our professional life with a completely new perspective. Together, we expand our empathy, emotional intelligence, and spiritual growth, ultimately applying the lessons of alchemy for more harmonious living.

Participants engage in alchemical transformation while deepening their understanding of its universal principles, which can be applied to personal and professional relationships. This process exposes them to diverse healing modalities and psychological dynamics, broadening their knowledge base and enhancing their ability to support others.

The Power of Witnessing the Human Experience

The Heart of Our Mentorship

The mentorship groups are co-facilitated by the duo team of Kathryn Terry and Christianna Deichmann, the founders of the Flower of Life Foundation. They collaborate to hold space for participants in a manner reflective of their cutting-edge therapy services. Their unique therapy model involves two therapists attuning to the emotional imprints and energies of the group field, creating a robust holding space with dual layers of support. Within this holding space, Kathryn leads while Christianna supports her in her leadership role. This approach amplifies the therapeutic resonance, fostering deeper and more impactful change. By modeling this type of holding field, they provide an educational and healing experience for participants, demonstrating the essence of the new earth paradigm in birth settings: multiple layers of conscious individuals, highly regulated within their nervous systems, radiating the frequency of compassion. Kathryn Terry brings over thirty years of experience as a midwife and educator in pre and perinatal psychology and advanced psychosomatic dynamics, while Christianna Deichmann contributes her expertise as a biodynamic craniosacral therapist, bodyworker, and psychosomatic educator. Together, they create a quantum field environment where healing and transformation can thrive.

The Journey

Program Structure:

- A total of 10 six-hour online trainings with mentorship and two 4 day in-person workshops.

- For the first 4 modules we meet once a month online. Six hours on a Sunday, time depends on time zone.

- After completing these, we gather in person for a 4 day in-person experiential workshop.

- We then complete 4 more modules meeting online once a month.

~ We gather again in person for another 4 day in-person experiential workshop.

~We then complete the final 2 integration modules online, meeting once a month.

Phase 1: Landing here on Earth & Laying the Foundation

- Module 1A: Preconception, Conception, Implantation, & Epigenetics

Experiential Themes: Understanding the spiritual being's embodiment journey within the physical body,  and the soul's attachment to the physical form, explaining how coming into form maps Sacred Geometry. Creating sacred space, setting intentions, and establishing the groundwork for self-care as we embark upon this deep inquiry into the quantum field emotional of embodiment.

~Module 1B: Prenatal stages of Discovery and themes related to Umbilical Affect

Experiential Themes: Being seen, having to take everything in in order to be love, accepted, safe, nourished. Overwhelm, toxicity, twin loss, significance of the human heart in consciousness.

Offering 2: The experience of being birthed

~Module 2A: Birth Stages 1 & 2 as defined from the baby’s perspective

Experiential Themes: Initiation, ignition, cooperation, leaving the divine, being blocked, unable to progress, unable to decide, decision-making, finding ones direction, the impact of birth sequencing and cranial molding on development.

-Module2B: Birth Stages 3 & 4 as defined from baby’s perspective

~Experiential Themes: Exhaustion, second guessing, finishing projects, being seen, noticed, recognized, celebrated. Gender expectations, exposure, separation, existential angst, making to the finish line.

4 day In Person Retreat (this will get rewritten)

In this pivotal fourth stage of the Embodiment Journey Training, participants come together in person for a powerful somatic process that represents the Conjunction stage in personal transformative alchemy. This is where all that has been germinating during the first six months of the training—insights, personal transformations, and emotional shifts—begins to merge and unify in a deeper, embodied way.

Through carefully guided somatic practices, movement, meditation, and group exercises that ignite the birth portal and open the veils of the quantum field, participants transmute the energies and imprints they’ve been working through, integrating them into a cohesive, higher state of consciousness based on their individual intentions set at the beginning of the retreat. The group, having navigated individual and collective layers of healing, now converges in this sacred space to amplify the process of transformation.

The Conjunction stage is about union—the merging of body, mind, and spirit, and the connection with others in the group. Together, participants will experience the transmutation of personal struggles into collective strength, igniting the growth of each individual into a powerful, shared field of support. This immersive somatic practice brings the work from the previous stages into full expression, laying the foundation for the final stages of the training where true embodiment and integration take place.

Offering 3: The Birth portal

-Module 3A: Psychological Imprints of Obstetrical Interventions. Limbic system and nervous system imprinting. Birth Ceremony and Ritual Practices to honor and protect the energetic Birth Portal

- Experiential Themes: psychology of interruptions, interferences, separations. Violence. Losing one’s power, initiative. A closer look at shadows within the quantum field that can be transformed into gifts, and after further contemplation and integration, the become siddhis.

~Module 3B: C-sections, IVF, ART, Surrogacy, Adoption. PTSD. Medical birth vs Home birth. Mother’s trauma.

~Experiential Themes: Disorientation, Lack of coherence, deep existential questions around purpose, coflicting messages around love, home, safety. Mothers lack of power, fertility, voice. Overall, this offering looks at trauma while simultaneously offering the perspective of an entirely different transcendental quantum field that carries the birthing family through the birth portal intact and without the shadows of disconnection, fear, and chaos by holding the frequency of love, order, and the ultimate innovation that is possible when control is completely relinquished for the emergent field to create.

Offering 4: The Postpartum Portal

~Module 4A: How prenatal dynamics influence birth dynamics. Quantum biology. Neuroscience.

~Experiential Themes: Looking forward looking back.

~Module 4B: Attachment theory. Working with Parents, Baby Body Language. Childhood diagnosis ADHD, Hyperactivity, Autism etc. and the Gene Keys linked to the sacred blueprint inherent in our DNA

~Experiential Themes:Postpartum Dynamics, Compassionate Communications, Traditional vs. Conscious Parenting

4 Day In person Retreat

Stage 5: Integration: Layering the Experience

Module 5A: Working with yourself, your children, your parents, your partner, your colleagues.

Experiential Themes: Empathic restraint, the art of becoming a quantum observer. This skill allows for a heightened sense of presence, where the facilitator listens deeply to the unspoken messages within the field. Instead of rushing to address surface-level discomforts or challenges, they hold space, cultivating potency through their attunement to the family’s energetic dynamics. This restraint enables patterns to self-reveal, and over time, the body’s wisdom begins to direct attention toward the root core issue. Just as the chaotic quantum field collapses into form when observed, the facilitator’s restraint helps the family system reveal its deeper truths.

Module 5B: Review, Release, Rebirth (there is something coming about this last module that is not yet full formed)

below is wonderful language from the old version that will be incorporated:

Integration, the culmination of all the knowledge and experiences gained throughout the training. This stage mirrors the alchemical process of Coagulation, where spirit and matter unite, allowing participants to fully embody the wisdom they have acquired.

At this point, the psychological imprints that once conditioned and shaped the natural sequence of how we come from spirit into form have been consciously transformed. The teachings and practices learned in the earlier stages coalesce, enabling participants to experience a harmonious alignment between their spiritual essence and physical presence.

This phase is not only about grounding the insights of the journey into everyday life but also about forming clear intentions for how you will integrate this knowledge moving forward. Participants are guided to establish a vision for the next steps on their personal and professional paths, ensuring the deep transformation continues to unfold beyond the training. This stage includes guidance on navigating future challenges, expanding personal growth, and aligning with one's highest purpose, all while serving as a beacon of wisdom and healing for others.

When we take the bold step to peer into the depths of our subconscious, we illuminate the darkness and rediscover the sacred journey of how we birthed into Being. It is here, in this unveiling, that we recognize the controls, expectations, and limiting constructs that have bound our humanness. Yet, within this same space lies the opportunity to embrace our most vulnerable self and unlock the limitless potential of our soul. The world becomes whole again when we awaken these latent pieces within, reaching magnificent heights beyond any imposed boundaries
— Christianna Deichmann

Deepen into Being and Embrace Embodiment

A Journey of Alchemy

Important Dates to Mark:

Introductory Experiential Call



Cohort 1 Training Begins:

January 26, 2025

(List Dates Below)

The Soul of the Matter

A Peek Into Prenatal Life and Birth

Pricing for Training

Payment Structure for Monthly Mentorship Program

  • please inquire for sliding scale plans available through our Philanthropic Program

We are excited to offer a flexible payment plan for our monthly Mentorship Program, designed to keep this experience accessible while providing in-depth training in pre- and perinatal psychology, somatic processes, and human design. This program includes 10 6-hour group sessions per month for $205 per month for 10 months.

Somatic Process Workshops

As part of the mentorship program, we will offer two in-person somatic process workshops that combine individual mentorship groups. These workshops are designed to help you integrate the concepts explored in mentorship, with a focus on experiencing and practicing:

- Psycho-somatic based protocols

- Energetic modalities based in polyvagal theory, the laws of nature, ceremonies and rituals, and human design.

- Pre- and perinatal psychology, including birth and prenatal imprints

Cost for Retreats:

These workshops will be 4-day, all-inclusive retreats, where you’ll have the opportunity to practice and deepen your understanding of the mentorship concepts in a hands-on environment.

- Approximately $1,100 for 4 days*, including food, accommodations, and all workshop materials.

*Retreats will be planned over the course of early 2025, pricing may vary due to geographical locations offered for the retreats

We encourage you to choose the plan that best suits your financial situation. These mentorship sessions and retreats provide a unique opportunity to dive deeply into your embodiment journey and work through early life imprints in a supportive and transformative environment. We look forward to welcoming you into the mentorship and potentially into our somatic process workshops later this year!

Retreat Locations:

Wintergreen Mountaintop Resort, Afton, Virginia

Heir Island, Southern Coast of Ireland

Total Costs Payment Options:

Costs will be broken down into two segments: (1) monthly payments for group mentorship meetings (2) deposit plans for in-person retreats that vary in price depending upon where you choose to travel: Afton, Virginia, USA or Heir Island, Ireland

Mentorship Groups Payment Plans Include:

1. Extended Monthly Plan: $147 per month

- Pay monthly in smaller increments to make budgeting easier. This plan spreads the cost over 16 months for a total of $2,352.

2. Monthly Plan: $205 per month

- Pay the full amount each month with one payment of $205 for 10 months, for a total of $2,050.

Retreat Payment Options

- Two deposits of $550 each are required: the first deposit is due by the start of Stage 2, and the second deposit is due by the start of Stage 5.

- Final payment amounts will be calculated based on the specific location, time, and date you select for the in-person retreats. These final payments are due 15 days before each in-person retreat.

All aspects of myself were represented in pieces by everyone in the group
— Soul Seed Participant
The evolution of our universal connection can come from focusing on our birth since we all experience it.
— Soul Seed Participant

Application Process for the Embodiment Journey Mentorship Program

We’re thrilled that you’re interested in applying for the Embodiment Journey Mentorship Program. This mentorship offers a unique, sacred space for deep self-inquiry and transformation. To begin the application process, please follow the steps outlined below:

1. Submit Your Interest: Start by filling out the form linked below. This helps us gather essential information about your current interests, background, and intentions for joining the mentorship program.

2. Initial Contact: Once we receive your form, a member of the Flower of Life Foundation team will reach out to you for an initial intake process. This helps us learn more about your journey and ensures you are placed in a group that aligns with your personal goals and schedule.

3. Group Formation: Each mentorship group will be formed based on a collective survey of participants' availability and needs. Times and meeting frequencies will be established through this collaborative process. This fluid approach allows for the emergence of an aligned group dynamic, fostering growth and shared learning.

4. Payment Plans & Meeting Frequency: The financial structure and schedule are designed to be flexible and co-created by the group. Payment scales and schedules can be adapted to ensure accessibility, including monthly or weekly payment options. Please inquire if you need to discuss sliding scale needs.

Please allow for spaciousness and trust in the process of feminine creative forces at work as the structure of each cohort unfolds. We do not have a rigid or predetermined schedule; instead, we honor the unique needs of each group.

*Once you submit the interest form, we will contact you with more information about the next steps. We are excited about the possibility of you joining us on this transformative journey!

The Embodiment Journey Dynamics Continued…

Guiding Intentions:

- Develop a deep understanding of pre and perinatal psychology and its impact on lifelong well-being.

- Explore the intersection of esoteric philosophy and scientific principles to gain insight into human existence.

- Learn to recognize and address adverse prenatal and perinatal imprints.

- Enhance skills in somatic and verbal communication, tracking the autonomic nervous system, and fostering self-regulation.

- Cultivate compassion, empathy, and a quiet presence to support healing and growth in others.

Transformative Unfoldings:

Participants will gain the knowledge and skills to support babies, children, and adults in healing from adverse prenatal and perinatal imprints or the lack of experience. They will learn to connect with their higher selves, differentiate present reality from historical imprints, and choose to live in the present moment. This training aims to raise participants' levels of consciousness, enabling them to transform their lives and contribute to a higher state of vibrational energy.

Integration and Practice:

Through this course, participants will practice new ways of being with themselves and others, learning supportive skills to increase life options and move closer to their authentic selves. The course emphasizes the importance of maintaining heart coherence and aligning with the inherent love and intelligence within the zero point field to create a paradigm shift in consciousness.

By the end of this training, participants will be equipped to support healing and growth, not just at an individual level, but also in the broader context of creating a more conscious and connected world.