Soul Seed Fertility & Conception Enablement Services

The Flower of Life holistic fertility services encompass a comprehensive approach to supporting individuals and couples on their journey toward conception and parenthood. These services recognize the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being in fertility and aim to address the whole person rather than just isolated aspects of fertility.

Components of the Program Include:

  • Providers may offer guidance on reducing exposure to environmental toxins that can negatively impact fertility, such as chemicals in household products, pesticides in food, and pollutants in the air and water. This process is done through dry sauna detox.

  • Providers of holistic fertility services offer emotional support and counseling to help individuals and couples navigate the emotional challenges associated with fertility struggles. This may involve exploration of a person’s earliest experiences in life, including their own birth and upbringing.

  • Holistic fertility services often incorporate mind-body techniques such as meditation, yoga, and visualization to reduce stress levels, enhance relaxation, and promote overall well-being. Mothers are encouraged to journal and explore their dreams; to journey inward and discover their desires and purpose in life; to re-align with their creative forces.

  • Providers educate individuals on how the autonomic nervous system functions in order to promote regulation, resiliency, and empowerment to make lifestyle changes that can positively impact fertility.

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  • Somatic process therapies are therapeutic approaches that focus on the mind-body connection to address psychological issues and promote healing. These therapies recognize that emotional experiences and traumas can be stored in the body, leading to physical symptoms, tension, and discomfort. By engaging the body in the therapeutic process, somatic therapies aim to release stored emotions, reduce physical symptoms, and promote overall well-being.Item description

Because the body, mind and soul are intimately connected, this process is very dynamic—we value each of these individually while building towards coherent resonance between all three.

The therapy unfolds over the course of 3 months, starting with detoxing the body and confronting physical blockages to conception. We progress towards the psychological and emotional health of the conceiving parents and finish with spiritual essences of fertility.


In the dance of life, we find our role, a harmonious symphony of body, mind, and soul. The body, vessel of our earthly form, carries us through calm and storm.


In every breath, the mind does weave, Thoughts and dreams, it does conceive. Guiding us through paths unknown, In the labyrinth of life, it leads us home.


Yet deeper still, the soul does sing, A melody ancient, an eternal spring. Connecting us to the universe's flow, In its boundless wisdom, we come to know.

Together they dance, in graceful embrace, Body, Mind, and Soul, in sacred space. A trinity of essence, a divine whole, In this cosmic dance, we find our soul.

In the embrace of the Earth's heartbeat, within the whispers of the ancestors, and amidst the dance of the spirits, we find the balance of mind, body, and spirit.

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and book a free consultation. We look forward to learning more about You.